In September 2015, Quixey was ready to announce its core product, Deep View Cards™. This new mobile experience empowers users to quickly access a variety of app content, even without the apps installed. To prepare for the launch, we needed to educate our users with the new product. This led to a website redesign, product videos, branding enhancements and one helluva launch event.
To celebrate the momentous milestone, we needed a proper introduction to our new baby.
Here’s how we did it.

In early July, our Marketing & Communications team determined one key launch objective:
redesign our corporate website to showcase our product and Quixey's new identity.
First, we examined our current site.
Our previous site was the little sibling who had outgrown her hand-me-down clothes.
It was time to explore new fabric and tailor it just right.
Educate users on our new product, Deep View Cards™
Reinforce the Quixey brand
Create new business partnerships to drive revenue​​​​​​​
With 2 months before our September announcement, we needed to build media messaging, product demos, a new website, and plan an entire launch event from scratch.
Not to mention, our team only had 3 people (none of whom were developers) and 1 designer (yours truly).
To accomplish our development goals, we contacted the great folks at 3magine.
Together, we rapidly sketched, wireframed, and iterated upon iteration. Internally, my team met with executive management to fine-tune until we captured Quixey’s new identity as a global company with a visionary product.
As the site was being built, we needed to create our product demo highlighting the user experience. I have video and animation skills (2-D and 3-D), but with the limited time (~1 month before launch) and a multitude of projects, we had to think strategically.
We brought in the folks at Transvideo Studios to help produce our Deep View Card product demo. Together, we developed the script, initial concept styles, and storyboarded. To expedite pre-production, I led the art direction and quickly produced all the high-fidelity assets for Transvideo to succeed during production and post.

It worked. Below is our demo video.
As we built the core garment, we created opportunities to show our personality.
From our very beginnings, Quixey has specialized in search. We always thought of the Q as allusion to the search icon. Paying tribute, we subtly included this motif throughout our website and video branding.
The final stitches were put in place just in time for the Sept. 24, 2015 launch event.
It was a huge success! We saw traffic spike an undisclosable amount, lead generation soar, and interest in our developer network gain further traction. It was an incredible feat for our team and all of this was accomplished in under 2.5 months.
After the launch, we took the Quixey site project internally to make several enhancements.
Among them included converting our Blog & News pages into a full Wordpress CMS and updating our Careers page with our “Quixey Life" video and improved Jobvite integration.

Check out the great folks at 3magine & Transvideo Studios.
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